Reassurance & dating scan

Early pregnancy scan

  • Suitable for 6 – 12 weeks;
  • A 20-minute scan;
  • 2 × 2D black and white image and
  • A report will also be provided.


Reassurance/well-being scan

  • 12 -20 weeks
  • 20-40 weeks 
  • A 20-Minute Scan;
  • 2 × 2D black and white images 
  • A report will also be provided.

Gender scan

  • Suitable for 16 weeks+;
  • A 20 minute scan;
  • Hear the heart beat;
  • 2 × 2D black and white image 
  • A report will also be provided at the end of the scan   Our experienced sonographers can determine the gender with 99% accuracy. Please note ultrasound scans never provide a 100% guarantee of the gender, 


Baby photograph, facing away, black and white

Early pregnancy & dating scan

Careful monitoring of your pregnancy in London

At Ultrasound Scanning Services, in Kingsbury, London we assist and inform mothers to be of any important information relating to your pregnancy.

With more than 20 years of experience in the industry, our caring staff will ensure that you are relaxed at all times.

Early stage pregnancy and dating

During the early stages, we perform scans that determine the age of the developing foetus, viability of the pregnancy, and whether or not there are multiple pregnancies.

When the mother is bleeding, we perform a scan to check the health of the baby and to establish that a heartbeat is present.

Early pregnancy Ultrasound scans are performed between 6 and 12 weeks, and include either a transabdominal or transvaginal scan, depending on the gestation and how clearly we can see the pregnancy. We recommend to have your scan nearer 7 wks as then we are more likely to see the baby, especially if you have an irregular menstrual cycle. 

What do you see on an early pregnancy scan?

4 weeks

A gestation sac only – no evidence of a baby yet, therefore we cannot confirm if the pregnancy is in the right place.

5 weeks

A gestation sac with a yolk sac – no evidence of a baby yet, we can confirm if pregnancy is in the right place.

6 weeks

A gestation sac with a yolk sac and a foetal pole (baby) with a heart beat.

Method of scan

Transabdominal scans

During a transabdominal scan, the sonographer places gel onto your lower abdomen, and firmly moves the probe back and forth. We request that you attend the scan with a full bladder, which means that you must drink one litre of water approximately one and a half hours before the scan is performed. You must not empty your bladder until after the scan.

Transvaginal scans

A transvaginal scan is an ultrasound examination that is performed internally. This method involves scanning with an ultrasound probe positioned within the vagina, which is gently moved around. The examination is not painful however it may cause mild discomfort. This type of scan produces the clearest images of the baby. It will not harm the baby. This is only performed usually up to 8 weeks if required; thereafter a transabdominal scan would be performed. If you do not want this scan please inform the Sonographer.


Service Price
Early Pregnancy 6 – 12 weeks - (recommend to book nearer 7 wks to ensure seeing the baby) £70

Well-being/Reassurance scan 12 -20 wks


Gender scan 16 weeks - 20 weeks  £80
Growth Scan/Reassurance/Well-Being scan  20-40 weeks  £85
Note: multiple pregnancies will be charged an extra £50.

Request an appointment for a pregnancy scan

We will contact you to confirm the appointment.

    Early PregnancyGender ScanAnomaly Scan3D/4D ScanGrowth and Well-Being ScanPelvic ScanNIPT (Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing)Abdomen ScanKidneys and Bladder ScanTestes ScanMusculoskeletal ScanBlood TestUnsure/Not Applicable